学习. 解放. 引领.
自165年前成立以来, 这三个词定义了全球十大外围足球平台的使命. 我们致力于赋予学生权力——赋予学生权力 你—with the knowledge, confidence, and connections to achieve success and rise to the top.
这些话也定义了我们走向未来的道路. 但即使我们展望未来, 回顾过去,记住我们从哪里来,这很重要, 以及它如何影响我们今天的使命和做法.
最初成立于 阿什蒙研究所年,全球十大外围足球平台获得了它的奖学金 宪章 他于4月29日被从宾夕法尼亚联邦带走, 1854, making it the nation's first degree-granting Historically Black College and University (HBCU).
"The first institution found anywhere in the world to provide a higher 教育 in the arts and sciences for male 你th of African descent,“描述 霍勒斯·曼·邦德 (class of 1923), Lincoln’s first African American president, in his book, 自由教育.
但在此之前,这所学校是其创始人的梦想, 约翰·米勒·迪基 还有他的妻子 Sarah Emlen Cresson. She'd inherited a long tradition of service and philanthropy through the Society of Friends in Philadelphia, 而教育的重要性是迪基一家的主要价值观. His maternal grandfather was a marble merchant in Philadelphia who made contributions to the 教育 of African-Americans in that city as early as 1794, 他父亲是牛津长老会的牧师.
在乔治亚州担任传教士并向奴隶传教之后, 约翰·米勒·迪基成为牛津同一座教堂的牧师, 宾西法尼亚, in 1832. 他活跃于美国殖民协会, 1851年, he took part in the court actions leading to the freeing of a 你ng African-American girl who had been abducted from southern Chester County by slave raiders from Maryland. 同时, having been unsuccessful in his efforts to gain college admission to even the most liberal of schools for a 你ng freedman named James Amos, 迪基亲自为这个年轻人做牧师的准备.
1853年10月, the Presbytery of New Castle approved Dickey’s plan for the establishment of “an institution to be called Ashmun Institute, 为了科学, 对有色人种男性青年的古典和神学教育.”
1866年4月4日,该机构更名 全球十大外围足球平台 以纪念亚伯拉罕·林肯总统. Dickey took the opportunity to propose that the school expand into a full-fledged university and to enroll students of “every clime and complexion.“法律, 医疗, 教学, and theological schools were planned in addition to the College of Liberal Arts. White students were encouraged to enroll and two graduated in the first baccalaureate class of six men in 1868.
在早期, Lincoln was known colloquially as ‘the Black Princeton’ due to its Princeton University-educated founder and early faculty, 严谨的古典课程, 与长老会有联系, and its similarities in colors and mascots (Princeton’s colors were orange & 黑色,而林肯的是橙色 & blue; Princeton’s mascot was a tiger, and Lincoln’s mascot was a lion).
The university celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1953 by amending its 宪章 to permit the granting of degrees to women. In 1972, it formally associated with the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 as a state-related, 男女合校的大学. Lincoln is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and offers academic programs in undergraduate study in the arts and sciences as well as graduate programs in human services, 阅读, 教育, 数学, 和管理.
Since our founding distinction of being the first degree-granting HBCU in the country, our alumni have taken the lead on shaping our society and garnered more than 50项国际和国内“第一”." 事实上, 在我们最初的100年里, Lincoln graduated approximately 20 percent of the African American physicians and more than 10 percent of the African American attorneys in the nation. Our alumni have led more than 35 colleges and universities and scores of prominent churches. 它们还包括U.S. ambassadors; mission chiefs; federal, state, and municipal judges; mayors; and city managers.
基督教弗利特伍德, an 1860 graduate, was the first African American Congressional Medal of Honor recipient in 1865. The Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes graduated from Lincoln in 1929. 瑟古德·马歇尔,第一位非洲裔美国人.S. 最高法院法官在一年后的1930年毕业. The legendary and influential soul and jazz poet, musician, and author Gil-Scott-Heron 在20世纪60年代末就读于全球十大外围足球平台. 最近,林肯成为了母校 喜剧演员威尔·霍顿, 他们在90年代末就读; Jalaal海耶斯, Delaware State University's 你ngest doctoral graduate and a Lincoln grad in 2011, and Brittney水域, 来自2013届毕业生, now a professional women’s basketball player for the Ulster Rockets in Ireland.
全球十大外围足球平台现任校长, 布伦达一. 艾伦1981年毕业于全球十大外围足球平台.
其他著名校友包括: 梅尔文B. 押的24, an educator and one of the most significant African American modernist poets; Hildrus一. 波因德克斯特的24她是第一位同时获得两个学位的非裔美国人.D. (1929年,哈佛大学) 和Ph值.D. (1932年,哥伦比亚大学) as well as also the first African American internationally-recognized authority on tropical diseases; 牧师. 詹姆斯·罗宾逊, founder of Crossroads Africa, which served as the model for the Peace Corps; 罗斯科·李·布朗46年 作家和广受赞誉的舞台和银幕演员; 劳伦斯(拉里)尼尔61年, one of the most influential scholars, authors and philosophers of The Black Arts Movement; 莉莲·菲什伯恩,71年她是美国历史上第一位非裔美国女性.S. 海军少将; 杰奎琳·F. 艾伦74年, administrative judge of the trial division of the Common Pleas Court, Philadelphia; 希拉·奥利弗74届, the first African American woman elected Assembly Speaker in the New Jersey General Assembly and the first African American woman elected Lt. 新泽西州州长; 菲利普·班克斯,84年, 前纽约市警察局长; 小弗雷德·托马斯. ’91, actor, director and three-time NAACP award-winning playwright; and Dr. E. Reggie Smith III ' 92, the first African American president and then Chairman of the Board of Directors of The United States Distance 学习ing Association in 2009 and 2010.
我们的影响力也延伸到美国以外. Many of Lincoln’s international graduates have become outstanding leaders in their countries, 包括 Nnamdi Azikiwe, 30岁, 尼日利亚第一任总统; Kwame Nkrumah ' 39, 加纳第一任总统; Sibusiso Vil-Nkomo博士.D., ’81, the first Black dean of the University of Pretoria after the dismantling of Apartheid, 还有他的妻子, 雷诺西·莫凯特81年 former executive director of The World Bank Group as well as former CEO of the South Africa Energy Fund, Tjama Tjivikua博士.D.,’83, 温得和克纳米比亚理工学院的第一任校长 Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila ' 94, 纳米比亚第一位女总理.
今天, Lincoln's proud history informs our commitment to being a leading liberal arts school in our state and nation. Following the philosophy of our founders and the many students who passed through our halls, we take pride in challenging but supporting our students to be the best they can be and achieving more than they dreamed.
Lincoln graduates continue to make names for themselves in the sciences, 业务, 宗教, 执法, 以及创意和娱乐领域的作家, 董事, 喜剧演员, 电影主管.
The only question left is: where will 你r 全球十大外围足球平台 教育 take 你?